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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We are  committed to protecting the privacy of individuals. If you provide us with personal details about yourself, we will not pass that information to any other third party unless required to do so by law.

Our web site offers opportunities for visitors to request information and services. When giving us your details, you have the option of asking us not to contact you with details of special offers. If you have asked to be on our mailing list and you then change your mind, we respect your right to have your name removed from our mailing list at any time for any reason.

We have a strict policy on privacy and related issues. For whatever reason if you give us your email address we will not send you any mail or communication unless you specifically ask for it. When we do have a newsletter it will be opt-in rather than opt-out i.e. the default is that you won't get it unless you have specifically asked for it. If you request exclusion from our mailing list, the only email you will receive from us will be notifications of the receipt of your order.

Your email address or any other information about you given to us will neither be sold not rented nor used for any other purpose other than what you gave it to us for.